Starter statements
This section enables us to set your action plan priorities. Please state whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. We recommend you complete this section, but you can also set your own priorities by clicking the button below.
This section will take less than two minutes to complete.
1Staff who routinely work late are more committed to the organisation than those who don’t.
2Some groups of staff have to network with clients, and sometimes this takes place outwith working hours in bars and/or at sporting events.
3We make sure that staff on maternity leave are kept up to date with training and development opportunities, job vacancies, and changes within their team and the wider organisation.
4Staff are regularly consulted about changes in the workplace.
5We always advertise job vacancies.
6We prefer to use CVs rather than application forms.
7Occasionally we do one to one interviews, depending on the position and staff availability.
8We always interview for all job vacancies.
9Staff who want to be promoted should expect to work increased hours.
10Women are well represented in senior roles in our organisation.
11We have a talent management programme specifically for women.
12Staff can access training and development if it meets the business need.
13We sometimes expect staff to do training in their own time.
14People development is an organisational priority, and each member of staff has an individual training and development budget to support this.
15Training is sometimes held at an offsite location.
16We don’t have a training and development policy.
17We have a flexible working policy and across the business employees, including senior staff, work flexibly, and on a range of working patterns.
18Staff can agree to work flexibly informally with their line manager but we don’t have a policy.
19Flexible working is not suitable for many of the roles in our organisation.
20People who work in senior roles generally don’t work part-time or flexibly due to increased levels of responsibility.
21We use a structured pay and grading system to determine pay.
22We have done an equal pay review in the last five years.
23Decisions on pay and reward have managerial discretion.
24We have more women than men working in the lower grades in our organisation.
25Men are more likely to receive a bonus than women in our organisation.
You have completed the questions on Introduction.
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(If you’ve previously created an account but hadn’t logged in, that’s no problem – you can log in now and we’ll automatically link these results to your account.)
Select your own priorities
If you want to choose your own priorities, or you’ve previously completed this section, you can go straight to Pay Gap Priorities and select these manually.